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So, as you can tell, I haven't updated since 36 weeks...and I'd planned on updated if we reached 40 weeks. I even went to work on my due date. Which was sort of lame. Kind of like working on your own birthday. Only it was no one's birthday.

On my due date, 40 weeks. I was sooo ready. Lol.
My due date was August 14th...and at 6 AM on August 15th, as I got ready to go to my doctor's appointment that day before work, my water broke and we were on our way.

The short version is that Valentine John Mertz was born on August 16th, 2014 at 7:42 AM weighing 7 lbs 5.3 oz and 20.8 inches long.

The long version is, well, longer obviously. We got to the hospital around 8am and didn't get a room until about 10-10:30 am. When we got our room, we started walking around to try to get contractions going because I really wasn't having any. They also did aromatherapy which, if nothing else, helped me feel really peaceful and relaxed and really just put me in an all around good mood. By 1pm, I was not progressing much at all, so I was put on pitocin. If anything, I can definitely say I fought very hard to avoid an epidural, but after 12 hours on pitocin on 4 hours of sleep and only 3 cm dilated, I couldn't fight anymore. I got the epidural at 1am and even managed to take a nap. When the time finally came to push, they were noticing he was having a decreased heart rate when I would push...and as it turned out, his umbilical cord was actually wrapped around his neck twice. But, I kept pushing. It was almost to the point that they were going to do an emergency C-section, but I got a couple great pushes in and it was all over. He was born. They took him off to the side and checked him out, then brought him over to me and let me see him briefly before they took him to the NICU for observation. Luckily, he was only up there for about 4 hours, as they brought him back down to me at about noon.

It's safe to say, it was one of the most amazing experiences of my entire life, and really that doesn't do it justice.

Mama & Bebe enjoying some snuggles at the hospital.
Daddy & Valen snuggling on the couch at the hospital.

Since his birth, we got new born pictures...

Valentine at about a week old.
About a week old.
He's kind of the cutest baby ever...

Pikachu. Of course. :-)
Getting his first bath!

All dressed up to go visit my work peeps!
And now he's ONE MONTH OLD!!!!!


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