So...we're in the final weeks of pregnancy and I thought I'd share what's been going on in the last 4 weeks..
I'm just as surprised as you are that there isn't a Pikachu on here. |
Baby shower #1 was a huge success!! I had a wonderful time getting to not only watch people spoil my little dude, but also getting to catch up and see so many people in my hometown that I haven't been able to visit as much and whom I miss terrible!
Yeah, they were pretty excited. :-) |
I also got to see family and friends who live kind of far away, so it was even more special! And I got to spend time with my moms.
Grammy, Mama, and Nanny. |
I have found that I don't really like calling my husbands mom my though it's only "by law" that she is my mother. She has truly been another mother to me since I was 16 years old. Both she and John (Kev's step dad) have always been excellent parents who love their kids so much and truly want the best for them. Same goes for Kev's Dad (also named Kevin) and his step mom Tami. I'm so glad Valentine's grandparents are so awesome. Heck, his whole family is pretty wonderful. I've truly been blessed to have amazing "in-laws."
I wanna be the very best... |
Oh yeah, and my amazingly talented friend made this...And you can bet come winter, he'll wear it every single day. And yes...he has 2 Pikachu hats now. ;-)
We also had maternity pictures done 2 weekends ago by my best friend, Elizabeth. I had this great idea to have them taken on the Canal, which is a really cool place that I love to go to, but hadn't gone since last summer because I'd been so busy and, well, pregnant. But I should have scoped it out first, because there was a bunch of construction going on and we ended up walking a TON. But...we got some beautiful pictures.
The following weekend, I went shopping on Saturday with Kev's mom, sister, and my little sister! It was a TON of fun, but again, a lot of walking lol. Then Sunday, Elizabeth came up with the photos that we had put on CDs and we had a fun day at the mall. :-)
Before we had the most amazing cheesecake ever. |
Baby shower #2 is tomorrow, and I'm so excited to see lots of my work friends outside of work! Yay!
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