As the title suggests, my biggest symptom right now is morning sickness. I might also call it all-day-nausea. It started right around Christmas Eve and hasn't really let up (even as I type this, I am trying to keep calm and not throw up.*)
While this part is kind of sucky, I've also heard its a sign of a strong and healthy pregnancy. And of course, once I get through a few more weeks of this, I (hopefully) won't be feeling as sick.
I thought it might be helpful to share some of the tricks I've learned this far in trying to combat morning sickness.
What's is my Morning Sickness Pokebag:
1. Peppermints. I've got a stash of candy canes at work that I eat through out the day to keep my nausea as minimal as possible. I've also discovered the magic that is mint tums.
2. Popsicles. I prefer the banana flavored Popsicles because they have a light flavor and are easy of my already tossing tummy. I find it comparable to eating ice chips, but there's sugar to help give me a bit more energy than just plain ice would.
3. Eating. This one seems counter productive, but often I find myself most nauseous when my tummy meter is running on empty. I usually try to start with a piece of toast if I can manage to get out of bed. If I can't, I have some crackers that I keep at my bedside as well...just in case. Throughout the day, I try to always have a little something in my stomach so I won't feel as nauseous.
4. Get sick anyway. This one again seems silly, but usually in the morning if I get sick, I feel a bit better right afterwards, and that's usually the best time to try to eat a little toast.
Just remember, it's called morning sickness for a reason, and it happens to a majority of pregnant women. It's not really something that you have to be embarrassed about. A lot of the times you can't help it. And it isn't considered a failure if you do throw up. So sometimes if I know I'm not going to be able to fight it, I just give up and let myself get it out of my system.
*Keeping calm did not work. I threw up anyway. Lol.
What are some ways you combat morning sickness?
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