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Showing posts from 2016

What The World Will Tell You.

I haven't written on here for a bit, but that's mostly because I've been contributing articles to the Omnibus Journal (awesome people writing about all sorts of awesome things, GO CHECK THEM OUT) so it hasn't been for lack of writing...just a lack of it being posted here. <3 P.S. I STILL LOVE YOU. But, aside from that, I wanted to get my thoughts out there on some things. I've been bottling a lot of my feelings inside, and obviously, that is not the most effective and healthy way to live. So yeah. Let's get right down to it. The world will tell you that if you didn't go to college to get a "traditional degree," then you are worth less. And it started before you'd even touched your well-earned, labored over, tear soaked and coffee stained diploma. I always hated being asked "What is your major?" because the following conversation was the same 99.99% of the time. The follow up question always had a condescending tone, "What