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Showing posts from September, 2014

6 weeks out: Back to work!

Well...little Valentine hit 6 weeks this past Saturday, which means that I will be going back to work from maternity leave soon. In fact, I go back Thursday. It's wild that 6 weeks have already passed by so quickly. One of the challenges I anticipate having as I go back to work will be eating better. I've definitely not been eating healthy (and by that I mean getting a good breakfast, as well as eating more fruits and veggies like I should.) I've definitely slacked off and eaten a LOT of fast food, especially in the last 4 weeks. My plan for my first 2 days of work is to make extra food at dinner time while my husband is home and use that extra food as my lunches for those two days. I also plan to portion out my trail mix, which I tend to just snack on freely at my desk at work. The great thing about work is that I have a very easy time drinking lots of water while I'm there, as I have a water bottle with a built in filter I use every day. I usually drink through my w


So, as you can tell, I haven't updated since 36 weeks...and I'd planned on updated if we reached 40 weeks. I even went to work on my due date. Which was sort of lame. Kind of like working on your own birthday. Only it was no one's birthday. On my due date, 40 weeks. I was sooo ready. Lol. My due date was August 14th...and at 6 AM on August 15th, as I got ready to go to my doctor's appointment that day before work, my water broke and we were on our way. The short version is that Valentine John Mertz was born on August 16th, 2014 at 7:42 AM weighing 7 lbs 5.3 oz and 20.8 inches long. The long version is, well, longer obviously. We got to the hospital around 8am and didn't get a room until about 10-10:30 am. When we got our room, we started walking around to try to get contractions going because I really wasn't having any. They also did aromatherapy which, if nothing else, helped me feel really peaceful and relaxed and really just put me in an all