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Showing posts from February, 2015

6 Months Out: It's been a minute!

Wow...where has the time gone?! Needless to say, I've been unable to update due to being so busy working 40 hours a week and raising this little heart breaker. I'm disappointed to say that breastfeeding didn't last as long as I'd hoped. But, I'm proud that I tried. I tried to pump when going back to work for about a month before my supply dipped so much that it just wasn't worth the stress it was putting on me during my short breaks.  But, I'm proud to say that when it comes to starting Valentine out on baby foods, I've made all of Val's baby food. So far, he's had apples, bananas, peas, carrots, sweet potatos, regular potatoes, and we're about to try some green beans this week! The key behind making homemade baby food happen has been thanks to my Christmas present from my Texas in-laws....the Sage Spoonfuls system! This thing is AWESOME. I definitely intend to do a more in depth review of this product and my experien