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Showing posts from June, 2014

Week 32: Summer Time

Well, here's the most current baby bump photo! I'm at work lol. I also got a haircut! It's not really what I wanted, but it'll grow out and be fine.  32 Weeks As far as Mr. Valentine goes, he's looking good. Every doctor's appointment is pretty standard now, with nothing new to report; just a very active baby. He's constantly kicking and punching me. I have been struggling just a tad with the summer heat. But, I've found a genius way around it. Swimming. I did go swimming in a real pool with some friends from work a couple Saturday's ago, but I got a pretty bad sunburn, so I have been avoiding the outside as much as I can since then to let it heal. But I have a back up plan for my house. I hate being stuck inside when the weather is nice (especially since this past winter was never ending!) so I found a children's pool with a slide that I can lay on, sort of like a lounge chair. It can also pull double duty next summer when I have a