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Showing posts from February, 2014

Week 12: Puke-achu Part 2 & Update!

Unfortunately, the morning sickness and nausea continues to dominate my daily life. And I had my first prenatal appointment with my doctor last week, which went really well! I was very glad that Kevin came with me to this first appointment, because we just happened to be able to get an ultrasound that same day. Originally they were going to schedule one for another day, but someone had cancelled right after our appointment, so we got to stay a little longer and see out little one together for the first time.  For some reason, I wasn't expecting to see something that looks so much like a little baby already. I guess I didn't know what to expect. But when they showed Baby Mertz for the first time, she/he was moving around so much! I could not believe it! I can't even feel it! I was surprised I didn't cry, but it was probably because I could barely look away from the screen. It was so incredible to see the little person flipping around in there! Whil